A complete set of new teeth fixed to dental implants can transform your smile and improve your quality of life.
Dr Adam Patel is a leading UK expert in the field of full jaw and teeth reconstruction with implants. All-on-Four or All-on-Six treatments are state of the art implant treatment techniques where four to six titanium implants are permanently fixed in place in one appointment. The number of implants placed is dependent on the available bone within your jaw, assessed on your CT scan. When you have several missing teeth, loose teeth due to gum disease or you currently wear a removable denture, a full-arch implant supported bridge is a great way to regain eating comfort and confidence in your smile.
Once the implants have stabilised and fused within the jawbone, a full set of bespoke life like teeth are designed and constructed to fit harmoniously to your implants and restore your smile.
Who is suitable for all-on-four / all-on-six implant treatment?
- Patients who wear dentures
- Patients with loose and failing teeth
- Patients with advanced Gum disease
- Patients with no teeth
Advantages of Implants V removable dentures
- Preservation of the bone structure and palate
- Stop further bone loss which continues with dentures
- Teeth look and feel more natural
- Maintaining quality of chewing
- Avoid discomfort of denture moving inside mouth when speaking
- Fixed teeth rather than unstable moving dentures
- Avoid palate coverage to better taste food
- Increased awareness of temperature of food within mouth
- Increased confidence and stability with teeth

What if I have insufficient jaw bone to place implants?
If you have insufficient jaw bone to place conventional dental implants and do not wish to undergo major jaw bone reconstructive surgery, we utilise the zygomatic bone to place zygomatic implants rather than standard dental implants. The treatment concept and stages remain the same, only that longer implants are placed into a bone which has not been impacted by bone recession in your jaw. Dr Adam Patel is one of only a handful of UK surgeons qualified in providing the advanced surgical technique of placing zygomatic implants.
Once the implants have stabilised and fused within the jawbone, a full set of bespoke life like teeth are designed and constructed to fit harmoniously to your implants and restore your smile.
Who is suitable for all-on-four / all-on-six implant treatment with zygomatic implants?
- Patients who wear dentures
- Patients with loose and failing teeth
- Patients with advanced Gum disease
- Patients with no teeth
- Patients with severe bone loss
- Patients deemed unsuitable for conventional dental implants
Same Day Teeth treatment is an advanced state of the art dental implant procedure that allows you to have a fixed set of teeth customised and fitted on the same appointment as having the implants placed. After your implants have been placed, a fixed implant bridge is fitted on the same day, allowing you to leave surgery with a new smile. We utilise digitally guided surgical software to plan and place your implants.
These teeth will remain in place for several months to allow you to adapt to your new bite and allow your implants to fully heal beneath them. After the healing phase, you will have several appointments to construct, refine and fit your final bespoke teeth. The provisional teeth placed at the time of surgery are removed and replaced with your long-term final teeth which completes your treatment.
Who is suitable for all-on-four / all-on-six SAME DAY TEETH implant treatment?
- Patients who wear dentures
- Patients with loose and failing teeth
- Patients with advanced Gum disease
- Patients with no teeth
Advantages of SAME DAY TEETH
- Leave with a fixed set of teeth constructed and fitted on the same day as implant placement
- No long-term denture required
- Ability to eat and chew better during your implant healing phase
- Reduced disruption to personal and social life
- Adapt to new teeth and bite sooner
- Adapt to new teeth and bite sooner
To see if this is the correct treatment for you book your consultation with Dr Adam Patel now