Implant-retained dentures provide remarkable retention, comfort and stability when supported by dental implants.
Dr Adam Patel is a leading UK expert in the field of full jaw and teeth reconstruction with implants. Dental implants are permanently fixed into your jawbone, and a custom-made, removable denture simply clicks into place onto the implants. This is a million miles away from a conventional denture as it affords extraordinary retention. Chewing force is transferred directly to the jaw instead of onto the gums like with a traditional denture – allowing you to eat, chew and smile with utmost confidence.
When you need to replace a complete set of upper or lower teeth, implant-retained dentures are an affordable aesthetic and comfortable solution. Implant retained dentures do not require adhesives and provide additional security whilst eating allowing you to eat almost anything and live life to the fullest.
In the lower jaw we typically place four implants with locator attachments to which your custom-made bespoke denture is attached for excellent retention.
Who is suitable for implant-retained dentures?
- Patients who do not get on with conventional removable dentures
- Patients with gag reflexes who cannot tolerate excessive acrylic in the mouth
- Patients with loose dentures
- Patients with loose and failing teeth
- Patients with no teeth
Advantages of implant retained dentures Vs conventional removable dentures
- Preservation of jawbone and facial features
- Stop further bone loss which continues with conventional dentures
- Teeth look and feel more natural
- Improve quality of chewing
- Ability to eat a more varied selection of food
- Avoid teeth moving excessively whilst chewing
- Avoid discomfort of denture moving inside mouth when speaking
- Reduced coverage of palate compared with conventional denture
- Ability to taste food better
- Easily clean and maintain your implants and teeth
- Increased confidence and stability with teeth
Want to learn more about replacing your teeth with a full set of teeth on implant dentures? To see if this treatment will work for you book your consultation with Dr Adam Patel now
To see if this is the correct treatment for you book your consultation with Dr Adam Patel now